Save Reuse ( Drawing Editor )
Tool summary :
Also see :
- Drawing Editor (where Save Reuse is a tool)
- Save As (similar to Save Reuse )
- $NAME (as described at the top of this page)
- User Created details ( Hide Items option can mask member details created using Save Reuse )
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Step-by-step instructions :
1 . Use one (1) of the following methods to invoke Save Reuse :
Method 1 : Click the Save Reuse icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' File ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
Method 2 : If " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose File > Save Reuse.
Method 3, 4 or 5 : Save Reuse can also be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the ' Lightning ' layout style, configuration of the interface is done using Customize Interface .
Method 6 : In Sheet Items Mode , hold down the Shift key and left-click ( Reuse ).
2 . The Save Reuse window opens. On it are the following options (some of which may be disabled , depending on the type of your current drawing). For a job/global standard detail, the reference point of the standard detail is shown on screen.
Drawing will be saved as: read-only . This tells you the file name of your current drawing, the to-be-saved drawing. This drawing, as it now exists on screen, will be saved under this file name when you press " OK ."
File description: Any text string of up to 20 characters that you want to be the " File description " on the Drawing Data window. This applies when your current drawing is a job standard detail or a global standard detail . For other drawing types, it is disabled . The entry you type in will be applied to the to-be-saved drawing . It will also be applied to the next drawing since that drawing will be copied from the to-be-saved drawing .
Verify reference:
. This applies when your current drawing is a job standard detail or a global standard detail . For other drawing types, it is disabled . If the box is checked (
) when you press " OK ," then Verify Reference Point is invoked, allowing you to relocate the reference point of the to-be-saved drawing . Leave the box not checked (
) if you don't want to move the reference point. Note: The reference point of the standard detail is shown on screen.
Change marks: None or Manual or Auto . This applies when your current drawing is a detail sheet or gather sheet . For other drawing types, it is disabled . Select ' None ' if you want the details to retain their current piecemarks. Select ' Manual ' if you want to manually Change Marks of details on the to-be-saved sheet . Select ' Auto ' if you want to Auto Change Marks on the to-be-saved sheet. Be aware that Auto Change Marks only applies to member piecemarks, which means that you must have a member detail placed on the sheet if you want marks to change -- submaterial marks on gather sheets will not be changed.
Next drawing name: The file name (up to 61 characters) of the drawing that becomes your current drawing when you have completed the Save Reuse . To complete this operation, you must type the file name .
Discard sheet revisions:
. If this box is checked (
), the " Sheet Revision " will be set to ' None ' for the new sheet that is created. If the box is not checked (
), the " Sheet Revision " of the current sheet will be retained in the new sheet that is create.
Discard sheet items:
. If this box is checked (
), any sheet items placed on your current sheet will be discarded on the new sheet that is created. If the box is not checked (
), the sheet items will appear on both sheets, not just the original sheet.
Alternative 1 : Press the " OK " button to apply the choices made to this window. Go to step 3.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Save Reuse operation without making any changes. Do not continue.
3 . Skip this step if " Verify reference " or " Change marks " on the window described in step 2 were disabled or not checked or set to ' None '.
Possibility 1 : If the box for " Verify reference " was checked, you can now relocate the reference point .
Possibility 2 : If " Change marks " was set to ' Manual ', you can now manually change piecemarks (member or submaterial piecemarks) on the detail sheet or gather sheet which is your current drawing.
Possibility 3 : If " Change marks " was set to ' Auto ', the Auto Change Marks window opens, allowing you to specify an auto naming scheme that will be applied to the piecemarks of all member details on the sheet that is your current drawing. Of course, if that sheet is a gather sheet, it will likely have no member details on it, and therefore no piecemarks will be renamed. Also be aware that, if an unique piecemark cannot be generated using auto renaming, the piecemark is not changed, and you will get a warning stating that the piecemark already exists. After dismissing the warning, go to step 4.
4 . The drawing that was your current drawing in step 1 is saved to disk under its own file name (the name next to " Drawing will be saved as "). Your new current drawing is now the drawing named " Next drawing name ."
Warning: You cannot use Undo to return the previous name to piecemarks that were changed using this procedure. However, you can manually change back the piecemarks using Change Marks or Save Change Marks or Rename Job Items .
Tip: To save your new current drawing as a permanent file, use Save . If you find that you don't want a permanent copy of your new current drawing, simply Open a different drawing and decline to save your changes.